21 January 2010

Middle Fork Trail

First to REI to get C.J. some insoles. They ought to work really well since they cost about $45!

It was still early enough to consider doing a short walk when we returned to North Bend so we decided to take the Trooper up the newly-reopened Middle Fork Road and cross the river on the trail bridge (forgot the camera, so this image is from Google Panaramio). I had thought that the trail would go east up the Pratt River valley but instead it followed the Middle Fork of the Snoqualmie upstream. [The Pratt River Trail still does not have a bridge to connect it to the Middle Fork Road.]

Along the way we passed under a granite cliff, had views of (I think) Garfield to the north, crossed some BIG slides (probably from last year's January storm) and several streams, one with a missing bridge. We turned around about 2 1/2 miles and 1 hr 15 min out before we came to the confluence with Dingford Creek. We only passed two other hikers the whole time, unlike our previous hike at Rattlesnake where there were lots of dog walkers and even some mtn bikers (pushing their bikes up the trail).

Back at the car we drove up to the Taylor River Bridge (repaired) then headed back to civilization on the still heavily-potholed road (worse for the 5 miles from pavement to the new bridge). The Middle Fork Campground was closed. (for the season?)

Verdict on the new insoles? Take them back - C.J.'s feet still hurt.

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