24 January 2012

Snow Storm

16-21 January 2012

Snow started falling on Monday, continued through Tuesday and then started raining and freezing. When the snow and ice slid off the roof it made a louder than usual "Whoomph", crushed some bushes and tore off the end of the rain gutter. North Bend lost electrical power Thursday and we were on our own for wood heat and the Aladdin lamp until 1430 on Saturday.

The CBCC annual party went on as scheduled Saturday evening at Aaron and Kerie's even though their power was still off. Fortunately it came back on shortly after we got there. The roads were not too bad getting there although some were closed due to many downed trees.  Rather than turn around and go the long way around, we drove around one set of barriers and weaseled through between trees and debris south of Auburn.