24 February 2009

Sammamish River Paddle

21 February 2009

I'd been pretty-well convinced that Facebook was worthless despite all the "friend requests" lately, but then on Saturday I got two responses that were worthwhile. First, I heard from my niece Lauren who is attending college in Indiana, responding to a note I sent her via Facebook. Second, I noted that Chris Amondson had posted that he was going kayaking "10 min ago". The sun was out, the temperatures were heading for the 50's and the route was sheltered, so why not?

We met Chris and Patricia around 1245 behind the Ben Franklin in Redmond because the Luke McRedmond Park was closed, at least the parking lot, for condo construction. After discussion and walking around to look at alternative put-ins, we drove a bit closer and parked in a private lot just north of the park. Chris went to pick up his brother-in-law Tom and set up a shuttle near Bothel Landing while we waited with the boats. After a bit of lunch and some paddling upstream and back, Chris and Tom showed up with his inflatable tandem which went together pretty fast.

It was easy paddling in the one-knot current and there weren't too many shallow spots and only one rapid that gave us any concern - mostly because of the overhanging tree. There were plenty of skaters, bikers and walkers on the adjacent trail. But there was not much in the way of other mammals except for possible burrows in the muddy banks. We saw several bald eagles and even one hawk attack on a baldy who did a barrel roll to present his talons to the attacker.

We paddled through Redmond, then Woodinville and made a bathroom break at a sports field. After that the height of the banks increased and the sun got low in the sky dropping the temperature. Approaching Bothel, the river assumed a more winding course and, after passing under I-405 we paddled through a residential area - mostly mobile homes - with docks and boats.

Out in front with Patricia we went right by the take-out spot and paddled another 0.2 miles to Bothel Landing itself before Chris caught up to us and led us back to a small park on the south bank of the river. Patricia and C.J. stayed with the boats while Chris, Tom and I returned to Redmond to pickup our cars. It was full dark by then and we wasted no time getting the boats loaded and ourselves into the heated cars.

Surprisingly good kayaking for the middle of February!

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