3-5 June
C.J. and I have tried
to attend the combination DNR Trails Day work party and Blanchard Fly-in every
year. This year, unusually, Blanchard did not provide soarable conditions on
any of the three days we were there. However, there was good flying at Sumas on
Friday as reported by David Le, as well as at Black. Then on Saturday we went
with a bunch of paragliders to Black and it was again good with people flying
for as long as they wanted and landing in the usual group camp LZ and the
larger field across the road from the main entrance to Silver Lake County Park.
[Some non-participant pilots launched from Sauk the same day, got up to 11,000
ft along the way and flew all the way across the North Cascades to Mazama!] Sunday was just too hot for us to want to repeat
the hour-long trip to Black (and there was the hassle of not having a key), so
we headed home early.
3 Jun, Fri – We left around 1000 with the trailer and didn’t
stop for gas in Burlington as we usually do, figuring that we wouldn’t be
driving much farther than the launch and LZ at Blanchard. Stacey directed us to
our own private site between some trees, leaving the larger spaces for people
with large RVs. [Thanks Stacey, for taking time out from prom preparations to be a gracious hostess!]
After getting set up and visiting with some of the locals we
rode up to launch with Jan and Murdoch. Conditions looked “OK” but there was
some north to the wind. I pulled my wing up and had to abort, and then C.J.
managed a forward inflation and launch. But as soon as she got out beyond the
trees, it was clear that there was some pretty strong north. She got
rock-and-rolled and turned for the LZ. And later she reported that it was
strong west, and she had to maneuver herself into a position from which she
would not be dragged into the briars and/or RR tracks if she didn’t get her
wing collapsed (which she did neatly). I stood on launch a bit but C.J.’s radio
report convinced me to pack up. Jan did, too, and we drove back to Beck’s where
I got the Sorento and went down to pick up C.J. Tom Lake was there with his
French bulldog, along with Jud. No one beside us had been on launch. We hung
out around camp the rest of the afternoon and evening, greeting new arrivals as
they pulled in. Shawn Lucke, pres of the NCSC, was there so we paid our $25 fly-in donation to him. This year we didn’t go to the Chuckanut Manor for the Friday
buffet because we had already done an out-to-eat at the Coho in Issaquah.
Instead, we had the rest of our Zucchizza and a salad.
4 Jun, Sat – We got up around 0700 and had breakfast early
enough that we could get to the usual meeting place for the DNR work party. As
usual there were juice, coffee, various kinds of snack-y bars, fruit, and
pastries. I counted about 60 volunteers of which more than 40 were pilots or
spouses. Up at the launch we were going to spread out the limbs from three or
four felled trees to the left of the new, graded and grassy west launch. But
for some reason the trees had not been bucked or limbed. So we ended up just
weedwhacking, mowing and generally cleaning up the overlook area. Yaro and I
helped David make a tree disappear; he had cut a tallish evergreen that was
just to the right of the flight path from the south launch. After that I took a
break while helping Paul install additional roll holders for the TP in the rest
By noon we were finished and people were thinking about flying. Hangs
were probably going to Lookout and some paras were talking up Black.
Fortunately the lunch preparation had gotten an early start so we were able to
eat some burgers and brats prepared on Guy’s Bar-B-Choo, plus some salads and
desserts. We took David Le with us and headed for the 1400 rendezvous at the LZ
with CC and Cathy following. At Silver Lake we loaded CC and Cathy in with us
and followed Delvin’s carload up the decent gravel road to the 4600-ft launch.
The last mile of the road had some pretty serious waterbars, but only a dozen
of them. Conditions looked good and the first person off soared so most people
got ready to launch. CC and Cathy flew tandem and went way to the right out of
sight, but when we next spotted them they were above the top of the ridge to
the north. CC said they had reached 2000 ft over launch. By the time almost
everyone had taken off I had decided not to fly so we wouldn’t have to come all
the way back up to retrieve just my vehicle. [There were five vehicles, and all
but mine had drivers.] It was a half hour down to the red gate at the Mt. Baker
Hwy and then another 2.25 mi to Maple Falls. C.J. had landed in the big field,
David also. Rick Lai was there with another pilot and wanted to go up to fly
but there were no keyholders who wanted to go back up. A call to Jeff Beck gave
Delvin permission to loan Jeff’s key to Rick. [Later we heard that they
launched around 1930 and had extended sledders.] I stopped in B’ham at Safeway
to get some gas (2.549) and then returned to the gathering at the Becks for the
salmon and chicken BBQ with potluck salads and desserts (C.J. had brought a big
zucchini-chocolatechip-spice cake). The large bonfire with last season’s
dried-out Christmas tree on top produced a lot of light and heat, which really
was not needed this year.
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Samish Overlook DNR Work Party - Delvin, C.J., Nancy (By Bonita H) |
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"Bonbonfire" by Bonita Hobson |
5 Jun, Sun – Thinking that folks would want to travel in
order to fly, Jeff started the pancake, scrambled eggs, and sausage breakfast
early, sometime after 0800. I would have liked to get in a flight but the
thought of driving all the way back to Black (about an hour) and waiting until
conditions got good later while baking in the unseasonably hot weather was
daunting. After waffling for a while and consulting with Chris and Patricia
(who had been at Sauk on Saturday) we decided to look one last time at
Blanchard launch (we saw a para and two student hangs launch and go directly to
the LZ) and then head home early. At least we didn’t have a lot of late Sunday
traffic to contend with. We stopped at Costco Burlington to fill-up (2.399) and
were home by 1600, giving us plenty of time to unpack and get showers to cool
off. Later we heard from Chris, Patricia, Beth and Ernie that flying at Black
was not as good as it had been on Saturday.
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